Call us on 0800 009 6625 to effectively insulate your home!

Warmer in the Winter, Cooler in the Summer

Warmer in the Winter, Cooler in the Summer

Heating and cooling accounts for up to 50-70 percent of the energy used in an average home.  Installing Insulation in your house is the most practical and cost effective way of making your home more energy efficient keeping it warmer in winter and cooler in summer and can save up to 50% on your energy bill.  In addition Insulation can also reduce condensation in your home and some types of insulation can make your home more soundproof.  A well insulated house is very energy efficient and will need very little additional heating and cooling. Naturally air flows from a warm area to a cooler one.  Insulation works by limiting air movement and the still air inside the insulation helps to prevent heat from escaping. Bulk insulation which acts as a barrier to heat flow between your house and the outside, keeping heat out in the summer and in your home in the winter.  It comes in rolls, boards and batts and can be made of glass wool, polyester, natural wool or recycled paper. Reflective insulation is usually used in houses in hot climates and deflects radiant heat.  It’s usually shiny aluminium foil laminated onto paper or plastic.

Additional Extras
Free Thermal camera survey

Thermal imaging surveys utilise thermal imaging cameras to showcase the surface temperatures around your property in order to identify thermal changes that indicate possible defects that require resolution. Thermographic surveys can identify potential problems long before lasting damage is caused. This is the only non-intrusive way to locate missing insulation and thermal bridges within the fabric of a buildng.
Damp Survey

A Damp Survey is a detailed look into a property which has shown potential damp problems. Damp is a common issue, and if left untreated, can cause some costly damage. Following an external inspection, an internal survey will be carried out, this could be a general inspection, or be restricted to a specific area where a problem is located.

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Insulate your conservatory

Transform your existing conservatory to the talking point of your home. We will regulate the temperature with a thermal barrier to keep your conservatory warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Our conservatory roof insulation solutions has been carefully designed to bring you the best aesthetics combined with the greatest functionality.

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Renewable Energy

Solar power can help reduce CO2 emissions mainly by being a clean and renewable source of energy. It’s shown that of energy production methods including coal, gas, oil that renewable energy such as PV solar and wind energy have a far lesser carbon footprint. Solar power is not dependent on burning fossil fuels or other products.

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For more information on our 0% interest free options, call us on 0800 0096625 or drop us an email at
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